Whether you're trying rowing for the first time or coming to the coastal rowing scene with a background of river rowing, you are very welcome at the Guernsey Rowing Club. Here's more information about getting started.

What is offshore rowing?
Without wishing to sound dramatic, offshore rowing involves confronting the open sea in a rowing boat! Think of it as the mountain bike or snowboard of rowing. It is exhilarating and, being a non-contact sport, can continue to keep you fit for far longer than contact sports. Offshore rowing equipment is robust and safe, making it an easy discipline to get started with.

Have A Go Row
The Club organises regular, free, Have A Go tester sessions which provide an opportunity for those completely new to the sport to jump in a boat and... Have A Go!
Details of our Have A Go dates will be published in our Celendar page and on our social media channels. Keep an eye out for these sessions and we look forward to seeing you soon.

About the season
The racing season runs April-September. The fixtures are designed to ease everyone back into racing, with shorter more in-shore races early in the season (5-8km). They build up in terms of both distance and challenge (up to 18km). As a novice crew you will be advised by your coach and the Race Secretary whether the race is suitable for the competency level of your crew. Our Learn To Row coaching program therefore usually starts March / April to prepare you for the season ahead. It is possible to join mid-season but that tends to be best suited to experienced rowers.

Forming a crew
While it is up to you who you want to row with, we can help introduce you to other novices. Many people form a crew from others they have met at our Have A Go Row sessions. Others persuade colleagues or friends to join them. We have club boats available for rent and prioritise these for novices. You can register an expression of interest in a club boat using this form.

Learn to row
Our coaches have devised a Learn To Row course for novices joining the club. This is designed to get you out on the water as quickly and safely as possible. The sessions are led by qualified coaches and follow a program designed to cover all the basics. You will be assigned a coach for the first season who will ensure you are signed off as safe and competent to row. After this you will be able to take part in our races.

Social events
We are a very sociable club and run a number of events throughout the year. We generally start with a pre-season social a couple of weeks before the first race and love to see our novice rowers at this. Most of our race results are announced after the race in the Guernsey Yacht Club bar where we celebrate everyone's achievements (and calamities) on the water. One of our weekends is dedicated to racing to and around Herm, which is a great excuse to visit the Mermaid! And we hold our Annual Dinner & Dance after the racing season, usually around October time.
Join us
For more information, please contact: